Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Great C.S. Lewis Quote

"Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not. It is not wearied by our sins, or our indifference; and, therefore, it is quite relentless in its determination that we shall be cured of those sins, at whatever cost to us, at whatever cost to Him."
~ C.S. Lewis

I choose to Praise Him today: My Thanksgiving Prayer

My Thanksgiving Prayer Today

The Oak Tree

by Johnny Ray Ryder Jr

A mighty wind blew night and day

It stole the oak tree's leaves away

Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark

Until the oak was tired and stark

But still the oak tree held its ground

While other trees fell all around

The weary wind gave up and spoke.

How can you still be standing Oak?

The oak tree said, I know that you

Can break each branch of mine in two

Carry every leaf away

Shake my limbs, and make me sway

But I have roots stretched in the earth

Growing stronger since my birth

You'll never touch them, for you see

They are the deepest part of me

Until today, I wasn't sure

Of just how much I could endure

But now I've found, with thanks to you

I'm stronger than I ever knew

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, in sickness and in health, He is my Strong Tower, my Truth, my All in All. Praise be to the Lord of Heaven and Earth, to the One Who was, and is, and is to come! He maintains the roots of my soul that I may enter His courts with Thanksgiving, and praise Him all the days of my life. I praise Him for His strength and for His Faithfulness. When I am weak, He proves Himself Strong. I will sing of His Love forever and rely upon His Strength for all of my days. My God is a God of Love, the God of the impossible, and in Him I stand, though weak in body, strong in His enduring, endearing, ever merciful and COMPLETE Love today.

This Thanksgiving I choose to praise Him, for though I may have mono, though I feel the worst I may have ever physically felt, though I may not be able to taste my turkey, I HAVE turkey, and I have friends and family and a God who loves me so, loves me when I'm whiny and cranky and sick, and loves me when I am dancing, and hiking, and writing, and playing in the sunshine with my son. Though I may have sadness in my heart, in Him I am FREE, I am LOVED, and I am EVER grateful! This too He will overcome, if I stand still, in the arms of His Love. Here's to a quick and happy HEALING, for He is the God of healing. Thank you, Jesus, thank you for this, snowy Thanksgiving Wednesday! Happy Turkey, Happy Shopping, Happy cheesy movies and Happy Family and Friends to you! Blessings, His Princess Becca...

2 Samuel 22: NLV (It's NOT Just for David...His Word is for Me and for You)

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;

3 my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.

He is my shield, the power that saves me,

and my place of safety.

He is my refuge, my savior,

the one who saves me from violence.

4 I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise,

and he saved me from my enemies.

5 "The waves of death overwhelmed me;

floods of destruction swept over me.

6 The grave[a] wrapped its ropes around me;

death laid a trap in my path.

7 But in my distress I cried out to the Lord;

yes, I cried to my God for help.

He heard me from his sanctuary;

my cry reached his ears.

8 "Then the earth quaked and trembled.

The foundations of the heavens shook;

they quaked because of his anger.

9 Smoke poured from his nostrils;

fierce flames leaped from his mouth.

Glowing coals blazed forth from him.

10 He opened the heavens and came down;

dark storm clouds were beneath his feet.

11 Mounted on a mighty angelic being,[b] he flew,

soaring[c] on the wings of the wind.

12 He shrouded himself in darkness,

veiling his approach with dense rain clouds.

13 A great brightness shone around him,

and burning coals[d] blazed forth.

14 The Lord thundered from heaven;

the voice of the Most High resounded.

15 He shot arrows and scattered his enemies;

his lightning flashed, and they were confused.

16 Then at the command of the Lord,

at the blast of his breath,

the bottom of the sea could be seen,

and the foundations of the earth were laid bare.

17 "He reached down from heaven and rescued me;

he drew me out of deep waters.

18 He rescued me from my powerful enemies,

from those who hated me and were too strong for me.

19 They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress,

but the Lord supported me.

20 He led me to a place of safety;

he rescued me because he delights in me.

21 The Lord rewarded me for doing right;

he restored me because of my innocence.

22 For I have kept the ways of the Lord;

I have not turned from my God to follow evil.

23 I have followed all his regulations;

I have never abandoned his decrees.

24 I am blameless before God;

I have kept myself from sin.

25 The Lord rewarded me for doing right.

He has seen my innocence.

26 "To the faithful you show yourself faithful;

to those with integrity you show integrity.

27 To the pure you show yourself pure,

but to the wicked you show yourself hostile.

28 You rescue the humble,

but your eyes watch the proud and humiliate them.

29 O Lord, you are my lamp.

The Lord lights up my darkness.

30 In your strength I can crush an army;

with my God I can scale any wall.

31 "God's way is perfect.

All the Lord's promises prove true.

He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.

32 For who is God except the Lord?

Who but our God is a solid rock?

33 God is my strong fortress,

and he makes my way perfect.

34 He makes me as surefooted as a deer,

enabling me to stand on mountain heights.

35 He trains my hands for battle;

he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.

36 You have given me your shield of victory;

your help[e] has made me great.

37 You have made a wide path for my feet

to keep them from slipping.

38 "I chased my enemies and destroyed them;

I did not stop until they were conquered.

39 I consumed them;

I struck them down so they did not get up;

they fell beneath my feet.

40 You have armed me with strength for the battle;

you have subdued my enemies under my feet.

41 You placed my foot on their necks.

I have destroyed all who hated me.

42 They looked for help, but no one came to their rescue.

They even cried to the Lord, but he refused to answer.

43 I ground them as fine as the dust of the earth;

I trampled them[f] in the gutter like dirt.

44 "You gave me victory over my accusers.

You preserved me as the ruler over nations;

people I don't even know now serve me.

45 Foreign nations cringe before me;

as soon as they hear of me, they submit.

46 They all lose their courage

and come trembling[g] from their strongholds.

47 "The Lord lives! Praise to my Rock!

May God, the Rock of my salvation, be exalted!

48 He is the God who pays back those who harm me;

he brings down the nations under me

49 and delivers me from my enemies.

You hold me safe beyond the reach of my enemies;

you save me from violent opponents.

50 For this, O Lord, I will praise you among the nations;

I will sing praises to your name.

51 You give great victories to your king;

you show unfailing love to your anointed,

to David and all his descendants forever."

A Poem of Christmas Hope for EVERY Day

A Poem of Christmas Hope for EVERY Day

by: Lisa O. Engelhardt

Your heart, your life, your very self,
your humble offering...
Lay it in the manger
which holds the Infant King.

Your prayer for peace on Earth,
that war and hate might cease...
Lay it in the manger
where sleeps the Prince of Peace.

Any ache or anguish,
your spirit's darkest night...
Lay it in the manger
where lies the Lord of Light.

Now Heaven and Earth,
God and man
are once reconciled...
For lying in the manger
is God's Son, the Savior Child.

Yoda's Creepy, but he's wise

Regarding Fear, Attachment, and Fear of Loss:

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

Regarding the Power of the Mind:

"No! No different. Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned."

A Light in Dark Places... (LOTR and Jesus-THE Light of the World)

A Light in Dark Places... (LOTR and Jesus-THE Light of the World)

September 10, 2004
Submitted By salean

..A light in the darkness' is a phrase you often hear when people are talking about God or Jesus. People see God and Jesus as the light that has shone to show them the way. There are lots of examples of a similar nature in Lord of the Rings.
When the fellowship is in Lothlorien, Galadriel gives them all a present. Her present to Frodo is a small crystal phial, caught with the light of E????rendil's star. In a way this gift is like the gift of the Holy Spirit that God has given us. In the same way that Frodo uses the light in Shelob's lair, so we use our light in our troubles and trials. ..May it be a light for you in dark places.' Galadriel says to Frodo. Jesus had promised the gift of the holy spirit to the disciples. He said that although He was leaving this world his Spirit would remain in His followers. That's why the Holy Spirit is so precious, just like the phial of Galadriel.
When people think of Jesus they sometimes imagine Him as a normal person who shines with a bright light. It is not hard to imagine it. After meeting Gandalf the White it is not hard to see how some people would remember him as an old man who shines with a bright light. After all, it does say many times that Gandalf did indeed shine with a bright light if he needed to. If you were in Middle Earth what would you remember Gandalf as? The minds of people are picky, they remember some things and forget others. A thousand or so years on Gandalf would probably only be remembered as Gandalf the White, few traces would remain of Gandalf the Grey. It is like this with Jesus, we do not remember the carpenter Jesus, just the Jesus that saved us from our sins and gave us new life.
We need to let Jesus become our light. We need to let Him shine His light and lead is out of the darkness of our lives. We need to follow Him, putting all our faith in Him and we will not fall. We need to be fixed on Jesus.

A Promise I hang more than my hat on

Ezekiel 36:26-27 (NCV):

"I will put a new way of thinking inside you. I will take out the stubborn hearts of stone from your bodies, and I will give you obedient hearts of flesh. I will put my Spirit inside you and help you live by my rules and carefully obey my laws"

God writes His laws on our hearts, and then the miracles, and how He chooses to use us begin.

What a gift of Grace! What an opportunity! What a promise to do more than hang your hat on-you can bet your life on it!

A Prayer for those who have a Promise within Them Now

"And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, in whom ye were sealed unto the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:30

"And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."Matthew 28:20b

Never Fear the Promise that Lives within you NOW...Rest in His Care...Heed His Voice and Leading...

"May it Be"

Composed and performed by Enya
Lyrics by Roma Ryan

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie ut????lie (darknesss has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadows call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie ut????lie (darknesss has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now

Did you ever wonder about music-being the Universal Language that is?

Some of my favorite quotes from the movie August Rush (2007):

Watch it TODAY!

"You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars."

"Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you. But I believe in music the way some people believe in fairy tales."

"Listen. Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind... in the air... in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do... is listen."

"You never quit on your music. No matter what happens. Cuz anytime something bad happens to you, that's the one place you can escape to and just let it go. I learned it the hard way. And anyway, look at me. Nothing bad's gonna happen. You gotta have a little faith."