Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Awakening the Senses...

Autumn is my FAVORITE time of year...I mean don't get me wrong...I love the summer sand in between my toes, the ability to walk around the neighborhood in my bare feet, the soft grass on my heels while smelling the flowers in my garden...but Autumn...WOW...God REALLY outdoes Himself at this time of year. For this reason, and for this season, I'd really rather be nowhere else on Earth than someplace where the seasons transition and day by day more beauty unfolds before us. I love the fact that I have to do NOTHING to create a bouquet on the hillside, to smell the firewood crackling to keep a neighbor's home warm, to enjoy a cup of spiced (mulled) cider or wine at a friend's home, to dig into a slice of apple pie a la mode with flaky crust. My senses are awakened at this time of year. I really don't like the color orange, yet I wear it at this time of year to immerse myself into the scenery around me. I LOVE Fall. I've had the MOST amazing runs lately-up to six miles now, and if you would have told me last winter I'd be running, no less among the Autumn leaves, I might have laughed full on in your face or just plain old decked you (in my mind of course...). As the seasons have changed I feel renewed, awake, and amazed. I stand still and amazed as my heart races to keep up with it all. It's just so beautiful to take in! God is changing the scenery, He is changing my heart, He is changing my mind, He is changing those around me, He is changing my marriage, He is changing our son, He is MOVING, and to be in the midst of it, and quiet myself for even a moment just leads me to a quiet place of worship at His majesty. At a time when the world, the economy, the environment, the nations around us seem to be "going to hell in a hand basket," as my grandma used to say, it's ALL Good, and it's all okay. At a time when I'm pretty pissed off that friends of mine are sick, diagnosed with Cancer, Depression, and all kinds of annoying things, it's all good...for some reason, in this season, as cinnamon candles and ginger sweets fill the air, as my husband's lips warm me while my face chills in the foggy, cold morning, as my son embraces me inside my fleece lined coat-I'm awake, I'm embedded in Trust. I am very thankful for this moment, for today, for the problems and frustrations rising in a storm among the peace and security of God's arms. Thank God for Fall...enjoy it, wherever you may be, in and out of season be ready to be swept up in His love. Dive in, for though the water may be cooler at this time of year, it's never too late to take the plunge into a hope within your heart. I'm in love with today, and I"m not afraid to share it with you. Be engaged, be aware, and be a part of LIFE today. Thank you Jesus, for All, but especially for Fall...

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