Friday, October 17, 2008

Heavy Heart, Ultimate Champion

This past week I've watched someone I love very much go through hell. As a matter of fact, I've watched a couple people go through personal hell these past few weeks. As I embrace Autumn and its bright colors turn amber, brown, and shades of rust, falling to the muddy earth below I am reminded that each of us are facing a season, and although we are IN our own season, it is vitally important to weep with those who weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice. Remaining steady within my own sense of victory and peace while embracing a sick friend, a friend in a time of unforseeable change, and a friend in a season of loss, I am reminded, change comes in an instant. Joyce Meyer is always talking about "suddenlies." What if something were to happen "suddenly" in my own life today? Would I have others to "walk the boulevard of broken dreams" with me? The answer is Yes. Thakfully, no matter how I am feeling, and no matter what pain lurks in the shadows, hides beneath the carpet in the hall, or hangs out with the yeps upon the steps (my lil' guy's favorite Dr. Seuss character), I am NEVER alone. And although it hurts, and I embrace the gloomy scrim upon the stage for so many I hold dear at this moment, I rest assured, the scrim will fade, and eventually be drawn. What tales are to be told I know not, but this I DO know, 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together[a] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28 NLV). I know I love God, He loves me, and He has called those I love today. God has a purpose for the pain, and He is indeed sovereign. I HAVE to remind myself of this today, for today I saw the leaves falling as opposed to the leaves resting gently in the breeze upon their branches. Though I have a heavy heart today, and I have NOTHING to be heavy for compared to the champion friends around me, I have a CHAMPION, and my Champion has already COMPLETED the work. Jesus is my champion today, and in Him I rest my concern, my hopes, my fears, my friends, and the fates of all swirling around me tonight. Prayers and contemplation. "It's ALL Yours, God....." (Steven Curtis Chapman). Amen. Alleluia!

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