Saturday, May 30, 2009

"Life Means So Much"

I've been sick, I mean REALLY sick lately. God seems to like to get my attention and help me to slow down sometimes, and usually, I have lots of time when I am, well, sick. He doesn't cause me to be sick, but when He allows it, somehow I believe I learn things I just wouldn't otherwise...

Antibiotics don't work. Pain killers don't numb the pain. The symptoms and their manifestations are as unpredictable as the days themselves. In it all, I feel a little voice nudging me, a tiny whisper prodding me to make these days count. I read a GREAT book lately with the same theme, The Sacred Echo, and I truly believe had I jumped into the book when I received it (back in February) it wouldn't have been the "right" time to receive its message. Check it out: The Sacred Echo by Margaret Feinberg (Zondervan).

Anyway, how often are you stuck home, in the quiet (because noise hurts my ears and my splitting head), able to just, well, BE?

I'm been, well, BE-ING these past few weeks. I have a sinus infection that doesn't seem to want to leave, great MDs working with me, and God (as my ultimate Physician) to eventually release me from this time. Imagine telling people you have a sinus infection that just won't quit, and that the pain you deal with keeps you unable to sometimes even get up and walk around, or read, or eat (because I"m sick to my stomach often with all this).

A CT scan revealed it is well, "just stuck" up and in there. This is my case. This is why I'm seeing a specialist today. This is why I've sought treatment, drugs, natural therapy, supplements, medical massage, aromatherapy, and some good ol' fashioned laying on of hands and waiting on the Lord. It's all good. God has His time and His way, and I've truthfully never been happier or at peace. I do get a bit cranky (ask my husband), but at least I try my best and leave God with the rest. When someone asks me how I feel I say "crappy but happy." It's not the best, most sophisticated response, but hey, it's my own...

It's been an interesting mix, and I do believe I have the FAITH to be well. It's just a matter of time now, and in this time someone offered me some sage wisdom, "settle down," and "listen."

It's amazing what you will hear when you HAVE to take the time to listen.

The song I'm sharing today is one I've been listening to throughout this time. And today, I learned of someone else, someone who lost her life, tragically and suddenly. Again, it caused me to pause. I met her, one warm night, while visiting another friend, in Atlanta, Georgia. I was there "by chance" at a women's conference. I truly believe NOTHING is "by chance."

I am devastated to think I will never "hang out" with her again; however, I can't imagine how her friends, her family members, and my own, dear friend, E. are all feeling. So, although I may be in pain. I may look foolish for being stuck at home due to dizziness, pain to the point of not being able to focus or some days open my eyes, etc. I HAVE today. Personally, I have today and every single moment in it, whatever those moments may be.

I have a LIFE to embrace today. My husband and friends, should they choose, could even come over and see me, feel me, touch me, and laugh with me. We'll laugh at these days when Michelle was "always sick," when I am well and embracing my life head-on, full-force, the way I like to do things, again. Those days are coming and all of this will be restored. It's true. But, perhaps, just perhaps, I'll slow down a little more, and ake time a little more. Maybe I'll "Relax," as my good friend and Pastor is always telling me to do. Perhaps I'll remember I am loved for "who I AM," as my husband tells me, not "what I DO." That's the way God loves us you know...

Death, especially when it comes suddenly makes everything and everyone come to an abrupt "HALT!" It's sad, but nice that we have these pauses, to reflect on our own lives, and all that we really do have, ALL we REALLY do HAVE...

I have it ALL today, and though I'm grateful for some answers and a treatment plan, as opposed to just obtaining relief when I can, I REALLY DO HAVE EVERYTHING today. Today, I HAVE EVERYTHING!!!

"Life means so much, life means so much." Take time to slow down and appreciate something tiny today, for it could make a HUGE difference-even if only to your prized perspective...

Do you have what you NEED today?

I do. And I'm glad I realize that. No matter HOW I feel...

Here's to perspective!
Here's to life!

God bless Becky Miller.
God bless her family, today!
May I see you again in Heaven and "hang out again" with you!

In the meantime, here's to healing, here's to life, here's to making the little things count.

"Teach us to count the days..."


I leave you with...

"Life Means so Much" by Chris Rice

Everyday is a journal page
Every man holds a quill and ink
And there's plenty of room for writing in
All we do and believe and think
So will you compose a curse
Or will today bring the blessings
Fill the page with rhyming verse
Or some random sketchings

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
Somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

Everyday is a bank account
And time is our currency
So no one's rich, nobody's poor
We get twenty-four hours each
So how are you gonna spend
Will you invest or squander
Try to get ahead
Or help someone who's under

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
Somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

Has anybody lived who knew the value of a life?
And don't you think giving his own
Would prove the worth of yours and mine?

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
Somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

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