Saturday, May 30, 2009

Little Hands that Moved my world today

I have a little guy who apparently knows how to instinctively love. I love that about children! I've gone around the house this morning, singing, being goofy, and just sharing my joy over a sunny day with him. He's going on his first family hike today! Right now, he's making sketches of the Guitar Hero characters he'll include in his "New Guitar Hero" game when he's "a grown up." I wouldn't be surprised if he actually does make video games, movies, whatever. He wants to be an actor, director, rocker, pastor, hockey player, Michael Phelps, a Jedi, in the Army...well, you know, the list goes on and on....Oh, he just brought me the first "guy," and his name is "Medlhed," (Metalhead). He looks like a robot. Now, here's Hoak (Hawk), and he is pretty cool too (only 508105 to buy him!). Too cute...Lil. B. really DOES rock!

Anyway, I'll get back to the point...My little guy isn't exactly what I would call Mr. Cuddles, but when he feels something inside, naturally, I just cherish those moments. This morning he was all over me, kisses, hugs, (real hugs, not just wimpy ones), wanting me to hold him, wanting to talk to me while I held him on my lap. He's almost 60 pounds, so my lap is getting tired these days...

He has no idea how badly I needed his little hands to let me know I'm still his mommy, and that he's still very much, and will always be, my baby. We measured this baby today-he's over half my size. He's huge for his age, and I looked at him in one of our tender moments and told him he'll one day be "much bigger than mommy." He laughed and said, "then I'll pick you up."

It's funny though, for today, he really did pick me up. He did something out of character, for him, and it made all the difference.

If you, yourself aren't a Mr. Cuddles either, please don't forget the power of human touch. If you feel the need to hug someone, to reach out, to just let them know you're there, then do it. We've made human contact such a disgusting, perverse thing in so many ways. For this, I am saddened. Many children, like my son, find it hard to touch others at times due to a disability. He has what the professional folks call "sensory issues." Today, I laugh at those folks, well, or maybe just ignore them. For today all barriers were removed, and with two little hands I felt beyond limitations. Perhaps that's the beautiful thing about reaching out; we go beyond ourselves, take a risk, a risk that sometimes feels unnatural, and thus we go beyond our limitations, whatever those may be.

Today, my little guy brought me beyond myself, beyond whatever circumstances or thoughts were in my mind, into a place of unconditional love. I know these days are limited, as my son is well, a boy. Soon, this boy will grow, and I won't be so approachable (in his mind). I think about that book, Love You Forever. My Mom gave it to me for my first Mother's Day. I didn't read it until our little guy was three. He found my tears fascinating as I read. He's learned time and time again, there are, indeed, happy tears. Happy tears are a whole other blog...

To rap this up, I can't help but reflect on some other hands, two little hands, (by comparison to the ones that hold the whole world in His Hands), that were nailed to a cross today, so many years ago. My little boy's love reminds me of another one, the Love that made me, and made our dear, sweet son, a little over six years ago. This other little boy's mommy once held him as I hold my own son. His mommy had dreams for him, too. Yet, his Daddy's dreams were bigger, and His heart couldn't contain itself, so He gave this Son for us. If I felt like I couldn't hold the love I have in for my little guy today, so I can't imagine how God felt on Good Friday, knowing what His Son would do to show the world His own Love.

Thankfully, in my Faith, Easter is just around the corner, and Christians and non-Christians alike know the story, it's the ending they disagree on. I believe human touch is a true extension of God's Love for us, and that every time we choose to go beyond ourselves, beyond our own comfort zones, we enter new territory, one that transcends it all. Using touch, as it was intended, is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. It connects us and moves us into new places, in our minds and in our hearts.

So, if you feel like sharing some Easter joy, and I believe the Presence of God Himself today, go out there and quite frankly, get over yourself; give someone your time, give someone a hug, or hold someone who's in pain today. Human touch was meant for good. I can't imagine how Jesus' mommy felt today when she saw those Roman soldiers whipping her grown man and then putting him to death in such an unspeakable way. But, I CAN imagine how she felt holding Him when he rose again and came to see her. I can imagine that embrace... I'll feel that embrace too one day, when I see my Lord, Brother, and Savior, in Heaven. On Earth though, I'll take His Heart through my own son today. Children are such precious, precious gifts...

Today, something inside me was resurrected. My little boy gave me a miracle this morning. Won't you do the same for someone else today, no matter what you personally believe.

Here's an Easter hug to everyone I know. I pray you'll know Love this weekend, whatever your Faith may be...

Off to hiking and enjoying some spring sun,
Michelle :)

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