Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Prescription for a Peaceful, Powerful Day-Fall 2008

Prescription for a Peaceful, Powerful Day

We each play a part in our day, but Who gave us the day?

This morning I found a prescription for a peaceful, powerful day, and it has NOTHING to do with me, except for the level of my FAITH.

There's an old Bible story, in the Old Testament, way back in Exodus, the miracle of the parting of the waters, with all of the Israelites' enemies and fears and former expectations washed away with its rising.

Today I claim this story as a unchangeable Truth, that if God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, then this story must be true for all who believe today. God's Word doesn't change, so this promise is for today.

There may not even be a Pharoah lurking about, or impendent slavery, or generations of evil against me, personally, but whatever is troubling us, if we believe, in God's timing, and always miraculous, whether the deliverance be BIG or quiet and small, the past, the trouble is indeed, insured, GONE.

It's signed, sealed, and guarenteed, and the Bible is FULL of such promises. The New Testament is complete with them. I battle things I wish to see or rather perceive no more, forever, and therefore today, I truly believe, I've found a prescription for a peaceful, powerful day. The battle is not mine, but I'm going to go about my day today, knowing I'm rooted in THE most AMAZING soil. I'm going to go about my day knowing today is a start, and I need not finish what is started, only God can. I'm going to enjoy today, and believe in God's power, and therefore experience a peaceful, powerful, purposeful day, a day to enjoy and be grateful for. Each day is a gift...

Exodus 14:13-14: (NKJV)

And Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."

How many times does it mention in the Bible the word still? It's quite amazing. We are to be "anxious for nothing."

We are told by Jesus Himself in the New Testament, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, the following:

Matthew 28:19-20 (NLV)

Jesus came and told His disciples, " I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

God keeps His promises! He is the provider of stillness, peace, and is with us in the often terrifying and confusing world. His peace and His power are with us, and His authority commands all we are facing to a good conclusion, for His purposes.

A friend of mine stated it one day very simply,

"Just trust Him."

Today, I hold the precription, bringing it to the Great Physician vs. the local pharmacist. Today I choose to trust, and believe in stillness, in His Authority to fight for me. His power is much greater than any I could imagine or conjour. His power is made perfect in weakness.

You have to start weak, working out daily to become strong. And I only want His Strength in me.

Lord, have your way. I stand on Your promises. I embrace a peaceful, powerful day today!

Thank you for your Love,
In Jesus' Name I give thanks and praise,
I claim victory, Yours, for today, and always,
Amen. Alleluia!

The Force and our Little Jedi-Late Summer 2008

When I was in second grade Return of the Jedi came out. I saw it and didn't feel too bad about missing the rest of the then initial trilogy. When I taught high school there was a kid in my class obsessed with the Star Wars books. Now, I'm 33 years old, and my five-year-old thinks Star Wars is the greatest. He's into it BIG time, and now there's more characters and scenes and gadgets than ever to remember. To acquaint myself with everything and to have a grown-up understanding of his fascination, I've had to watch all the Star Wars movies, and I mean all of them. I'm through episodes 3-6, and plan on watching 1 and 2 as soon as I can muster up the desire to do so. I guess it's a starting place to look at good and evil, light vs. dark, the powers of opposition in the world. Little does he know or understand the world of meaning behind the Force and the Dark Side. I've learned a lot watching these movies again, and seeing him role play and be drawn to the items he sees as powerful. He also understands some of the deeper meanings of the whole story. He knows that even Darth Vadar still has "good in him." Each person, no mater how dark, or twisted, or evil, or lost, has a chance to respond to the light that is cast upon them. There are so many Darth Vadars in the real world, so many people we cast off, or feel are too powerful or too far gone to share a little bit of hope with. When my kid understands the power he has inside of him one day, to be a blessing or a curse to those around him, then he too can be a real superhero. The Force is definitely real, and it does do some pretty cool, impactful things. I can't wait until he is old enough to realize that good/light does overcome dark/bad. I can't wait to train up our own little Jedi in the ways he should go. Every day is an adventure, and I never know who Raymond will be on any given day, but it is fun, and I've learned a lot in places and in situations that surprise me each and every day. Raising a child is an adventure, especially one who wants to conquer the galaxy. He, and I, will both have to take it one day at a time. I'm looking forward to meeting new characters, and enjoying all our wee B. brings to our lives. Today, I'm grateful, yes, grateful, for Star Wars has done for our family. And today, I'm grateful, to possess the true Force, the true Light, along with my little guy, salvation, and a walk in the Light with Jesus.

Blueberry Picking-Written July, 2008

My five-year-old son, Raymond, and I went blueberry picking yesterday. I've spent most of my life in New York State, for the most part, in "farm country." I wanted to do something with my son this summer that neither of us had ever done, in an effort to be on the same playing field of discovery. A few days ago I found my answer-blueberry picking. To tell you the truth, I'm not a farmer, and not much of a country gal despite my surroundings. Even after spending over an hour together at the "Blueberry Farm," (a.k.a. "U-Pick"-you get what you get around these parts, elegance or marketing not required), I still have no idea what we picked from. Was it a bush? Was it a tree? Was it a mini-tree? I really have no clue!

What I DO know is that is was damn HOT out there at oh, say, 2:45, on a humid, summer day. There were two other "crazy" ladies out there picking too. Driving up to the field, way out in a place called Big Flats, NY, neither of us could fathom what waited for us up ahead. We crept out of our steamy car with containers in hand, both beaming (yet melting) with excitement. Hands free picking w/our containers tied around our waists. The, what we called "blueberry bushes" were simply adorable. My son was dead on with his comment, "Mom, look those blueberry bushes are soooo cute." Lately, everything to our son is "sooo cute." This time, I had to agree.
These "cute" little bushes, some the height of my knees to looming tall over my 5 foot 7 frame, were just popping with teeny, "normal-sized" (vs. the super-sized market type) berries. Some were green, some were a lovely violet color, and the ones we decided to take home, traditional, beautiful, welcoming blue. My son and I agree, this is MUCH easier than apple picking!

What I truly enjoyed about the experience was the stillness. Raymond and I felt lost in the "secret paths," the rows of trees around us. We helped each other find the "ripest," "bluest" ones. Often not saying a word at all, we stood near one another discovering, feeling, enjoying the berries, the soft, satin, tiny plumps between our fingers. This was NOTHING like the raspberry picking I did with my grandmother when I was just a little older than my son. I recall that experience being thorny, full of bees, and just, well, uncomfortable. This was quiet, clean, almost effortless! The berries seemed to glide off. We lost ourselves in the sunshine, in the quiet, in the closeness of discovery, together. Side-by-side, my little boy and I shared the joy of sweating through a piece of one summer afternoon. I will never share my first experience blueberry picking with anyone else. Raymond will have shared his first blueberry picking time with me. It's a moment that I will cling to forever.

It really is a simple thing, picking berries with your kid, but to me, that moment is forever frozen in time when we left all problems aside and gathered, gratefully, the harvest around us. It was ours to enjoy, and enjoy together. I am grateful for this simple moment, and although I have no picture to share, this moment is imprinted on my heart forever.

We used to call Raymond, "Blueberry" for awhile. It's what he chose to be called. Pumpkin just didn't cut it with this kiddo. He doesn't even like blueberries as much as he used to, but he sure did enjoy the yogurt with fresh "poppers" for dessert last night, and the muffins we made for this morning's breakfast.

Someday I may write a story about this day, but for now I'm still basking in it, and ever grateful that it too has added to my serenity and the long list of most amazing moments raising my kid.

Next week, Pirate Day at the Renaissance Festival in Sterling, NY. But before that, tonight, I celebrate my seven year wedding anniversary with my own knight in shining armor, he really does look like the prince from Snow White....my Scott. Blueberry picking is awesome, but a night out with some dinner and privacy is another whole blog....Thankful, grateful...our God provides so many wonderful gifts! Right now so much is ripe and beautiful, all in His perfect time!

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

A Wild Reflection: Something I wrote in Summer 2008

My husband has a pet name for me, always has. He has always referred to me as "my dove." I HATE conflict with all my being! This morning was "one of THOSE" mornings! Murphy's Law was in effect and when Murphy's in the house, momma ain't happy. I think I'm actually going to rename the devil and all the hellish situations in my life murphy, and acts of murphy. It was one of those mornings where I fought and fought HARD. I didn't do a perfect job, I wasn't the model of serenity, and this morning, I became a porcupine, instead of a dove.

My kid had Waaaaaayyyy too much sugar last night, and with my kid, sugar shows its evil grains hours and sometimes 1/2 a day later. He has a rush of energy, crashes, and in the morning seems like a kid hopped up on Starbucks from the moment he opens his eyes. Well, last night my husband and I enjoyed our evening out, and needless to say, my son REALLLLLy enjoyed his time at home-it was movie and popsicle night. I'll be reallllllly specific with the babysitter the next time we leave the house. Well, it all fell apart right about, oh, say, church time!!! Everything bothered him, everything bothered me, and it was a BAD scene. I had the privilege of serving the children of our church today, too, I teach "Sunday School." Our group is called My-Turn, and let me just tell you, it really was a battle of my-turns today, for my son and for me.

My son and I are both VERY strong-willed people. I delight when people bless me, telling me he's just like you....I really don't know if it's a compliment or not, but I sure do love having a kiddo who shares some of the same interests and quirks as I do. However, it's not all it's cracked up to be when my son is five and I regress and act like I am five too! I think you could have made a movie with the faces of frustration I posed in church. It was no place for face making, and no place for my son's behavior, and no place for the sugar meltdown he had.

What it was though, was a place for looking at the whole awful home movie I made in my mind after the fact, and bringing it all, every little annoying scene to someone I knew could handle it. I looked at the porcupine in the mirror and said, stop "making mischief." I felt like Max in "Where the Wild Things Are." I felt utterly undone and wild and like escaping to a place I knew I was safe and a place I knew I could be tamed. My porcupine self knows when I've had enough, and when to give up the mischief. I threw myself on my bed and looked in the mirror with the reflection of Truth, who I am, in spite of my quills, in spite of my mistakes, in spite of my reactions this morning. I chose to look at the situation that could have ruined my whole day and said, "Be still!" And you know what, just like Max, I tamed them, those terrible thoughts of oh, what a bad mommy, not being able to handle her kid in church perfectly right away. I don't have a "magic trick," but I sure did stare into the face of a bad time and get past it. I face the flaw of this morning dead on, "without blinking once" and I became the "most wild thing of all." I am now the master of my quills, and like Max, the "king of all wild things."

Isn't it funny that God uses the same words to assist us when we think we can do no more, "be still." Max is a VERY wise little, naughty boy! I'm not very wise, but God has promised to give it if we ask, and today, I asked! I am very proud that anytime I get my quills all up that I have a safe harbor, a place where I can rest all the wild thoughts that creep into my head when circumstances and situations want to get the best of me. I have "supper waiting" for me, and it will always be, "still hot." God is such a giving, loving, patient provider! His food, His strength, His love is always there, even when we look like idiots to our kids, to those around us, and to ourselves. He reminds us that we all have our "wild rumpus" moments, and that He's there when we're ready to take off the costume and stop "making mischief."
By fighting, by laying it down, and by admitting I hadn't been the dove, the porcupine was led back home, in the shadows, away where it could hurt no one anymore. I am so thankful for my adventure today. It's taught me so much, even though it hurt so much!

Raymond is calm again, and I am too. We've both gotten things out of our systems that sure didn't belong there. It took time, it took release, and it took love to make it through our day.

With gratitude I go to make salads to complete our dinner....

A Book I Highly Recommend-the Sacred echo by Margaret Feinberg

the Sacred echo
by: Margaret Feinberg

Reviewed by: Michelle R. Burroughs

Do you hear your own voice bouncing back to you within the mysterious void called prayer? A transparent and vulnerable dialogue, the Sacred echo (Zondervan, 2008), combats frustrating feelings many of us have when it comes to prayer. Author Margaret Feinberg instills trust by openly sharing her responses from a very personal, custom-loving God. His voice, seemingly refracted in the hidden, continues to reverberate in the every day.

You’re invited to spend some time with Margaret and her Heavenly Father. Here, you can share her comfort. “If God wore a polo shirt, then I felt like I was resting in his front pocket, dark but safe” (171). Seriously, why do we treat prayer as “…so mysterious” (20); it is meant to be intimate and deeply personal? Feinberg describes prayer as conversation, sacred echoes weaving us into closer relationship with a God who does not change. For “...writers of Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and Job also took their toughest questions, their heaviest weights, to God. They asked the most jarring of questions, probed the darkest issues, and confessed their hearts and betrayals without ready apology” (150). Are we not invited to approach God in the same manner?

Feinberg reminds us that when we seek him, he will surely answer, and readily keep our conversations interesting. The sacred echo is this, “… those moments when God speaks the same message to my heart again and again,” by “the same scripturally sound idea or phrase or word” that “reappear(s) until I can no longer avoid its presence” (24). For “when we allow the words of God to come alive in our hearts they unleash an unmistakable transforming power in our attitude and actions” (50).

Thankfully, our transforming God “…answers us right where we are, in a language we’ll understand” (68). We serve a God who calls us daughters and sons, friends, and he lovingly approaches each of us “in ways we can understand” (92). To us it may be a song; it may be a Word or theme, even a phrase skipping in the soundtracks of our lives. It may feel like we’re called to play an old, familiar tune, one we need to hear again, but this time we need to listen! Feinberg advocates that kind of prayer.

Therefore, “(i)f prayer was a safe place… (for men and women of the Bible)…to get brutishly honest with God, then shouldn’t it still be safe for us today?” (150). Faithfully, God personalizes our sacred echoes and “…speaks life and we hope into the darkest of situations and the most discouraged of souls” (175).

As partners, as family, as God’s friends, we need to invite Him into the conversations of our lives (177) without “fill(ing) in the blanks” ourselves!!!(178). Feinberg urges us to “cling to these sacred echoes” (163), for God is pursuing us; are we in a posture to listen? So, please, let him lead, guide, and reveal himself, and share your echoes that we may commune with God and each other, growing as His children, in relationship (190).

Nourishing food for readers and especially listeners, isn’t it?

"Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests"
(Ephesians 6:18, NIV).

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Lately, I've learned a few things about change. Change and I are becoming friendlier this morning. When big decisions, hard decisions come in life, it's easy to hide in the corner, crawl under the covers, or run away-as fast as the breeze will carry us. Facing life head on, going all out, and moving through change, looming in the uncertain distance, is a very powerful experience.

You can face change like a slug or you can face it like a ram, and I'd much rather approach life as a ram-even when I feel like the slug...lol... I've had some very, very difficult decisions to make lately, and these decisions include significant change. I've flowed with them-through the pain, through the tears, through the excitement and uncertainty of what may be ahead. I've been flowing through emotion after emotion, riding on the waves of a storm I don't understand. Yet, all of this has made the peace and rest I feel today a million times worth the while.

It's so comforting to know I have a peace that surpasses all understanding this morning. It came a little after 5:00 a.m. A little early, but I'll take it! This is one peace I can't explain, comprehend, nor make light of today. I am a very, very blessed woman.

I know who I am and look forward to what I will one day be. I don't have the answers. I don't know the plan. But one thing I do know is this: I trust the One who does, and that makes all the difference to me. I choose today to embrace change with peace and with joy. I choose to follow what is unseen vs. seen. I choose Hope over circumstance. And I choose to rest in the Arms of Love.

I'd rather face change singing than kicking and screaming. I'd rather be led, gently ("into this good night...") than be dragged. And as my father used to say, "it's a state of mind." A state of mind though I take no responsibility for arriving at today...and I can only pray I arrive at the same destination tomorrow, and tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that.

This Easter, whether you believe in Jesus or not, you can't deny the impact He had and still has in people's lives. It's good to know that in many people's perspectives that He's still alive and well-risen indeed.

At this time, I wish you a Happy Passover, Blessed Easter, and any other holiday I may be forgetting or don't really know is occurring at this time. Hey, Happy April to ya!

Today, I think about that song "Oh Happy Day," (in that silly Whoopie Goldberg movie awhile back-Nunsense or something?) and sing it joyfully, while I listen to a little Silver Sun Pickups. Yup, quite the combination...Thankfully, God meets me where I'm at, and loves me just the way I am. Today, for that, and a million other things, I am truly, truly grateful! Here's to the unseen-the best IS yet to come (it's a guarantee)!

Happy April to ya! Oh, Happy Day...
- Michelle -

Little Hands that Moved my world today

I have a little guy who apparently knows how to instinctively love. I love that about children! I've gone around the house this morning, singing, being goofy, and just sharing my joy over a sunny day with him. He's going on his first family hike today! Right now, he's making sketches of the Guitar Hero characters he'll include in his "New Guitar Hero" game when he's "a grown up." I wouldn't be surprised if he actually does make video games, movies, whatever. He wants to be an actor, director, rocker, pastor, hockey player, Michael Phelps, a Jedi, in the Army...well, you know, the list goes on and on....Oh, he just brought me the first "guy," and his name is "Medlhed," (Metalhead). He looks like a robot. Now, here's Hoak (Hawk), and he is pretty cool too (only 508105 to buy him!). Too cute...Lil. B. really DOES rock!

Anyway, I'll get back to the point...My little guy isn't exactly what I would call Mr. Cuddles, but when he feels something inside, naturally, I just cherish those moments. This morning he was all over me, kisses, hugs, (real hugs, not just wimpy ones), wanting me to hold him, wanting to talk to me while I held him on my lap. He's almost 60 pounds, so my lap is getting tired these days...

He has no idea how badly I needed his little hands to let me know I'm still his mommy, and that he's still very much, and will always be, my baby. We measured this baby today-he's over half my size. He's huge for his age, and I looked at him in one of our tender moments and told him he'll one day be "much bigger than mommy." He laughed and said, "then I'll pick you up."

It's funny though, for today, he really did pick me up. He did something out of character, for him, and it made all the difference.

If you, yourself aren't a Mr. Cuddles either, please don't forget the power of human touch. If you feel the need to hug someone, to reach out, to just let them know you're there, then do it. We've made human contact such a disgusting, perverse thing in so many ways. For this, I am saddened. Many children, like my son, find it hard to touch others at times due to a disability. He has what the professional folks call "sensory issues." Today, I laugh at those folks, well, or maybe just ignore them. For today all barriers were removed, and with two little hands I felt beyond limitations. Perhaps that's the beautiful thing about reaching out; we go beyond ourselves, take a risk, a risk that sometimes feels unnatural, and thus we go beyond our limitations, whatever those may be.

Today, my little guy brought me beyond myself, beyond whatever circumstances or thoughts were in my mind, into a place of unconditional love. I know these days are limited, as my son is well, a boy. Soon, this boy will grow, and I won't be so approachable (in his mind). I think about that book, Love You Forever. My Mom gave it to me for my first Mother's Day. I didn't read it until our little guy was three. He found my tears fascinating as I read. He's learned time and time again, there are, indeed, happy tears. Happy tears are a whole other blog...

To rap this up, I can't help but reflect on some other hands, two little hands, (by comparison to the ones that hold the whole world in His Hands), that were nailed to a cross today, so many years ago. My little boy's love reminds me of another one, the Love that made me, and made our dear, sweet son, a little over six years ago. This other little boy's mommy once held him as I hold my own son. His mommy had dreams for him, too. Yet, his Daddy's dreams were bigger, and His heart couldn't contain itself, so He gave this Son for us. If I felt like I couldn't hold the love I have in for my little guy today, so I can't imagine how God felt on Good Friday, knowing what His Son would do to show the world His own Love.

Thankfully, in my Faith, Easter is just around the corner, and Christians and non-Christians alike know the story, it's the ending they disagree on. I believe human touch is a true extension of God's Love for us, and that every time we choose to go beyond ourselves, beyond our own comfort zones, we enter new territory, one that transcends it all. Using touch, as it was intended, is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. It connects us and moves us into new places, in our minds and in our hearts.

So, if you feel like sharing some Easter joy, and I believe the Presence of God Himself today, go out there and quite frankly, get over yourself; give someone your time, give someone a hug, or hold someone who's in pain today. Human touch was meant for good. I can't imagine how Jesus' mommy felt today when she saw those Roman soldiers whipping her grown man and then putting him to death in such an unspeakable way. But, I CAN imagine how she felt holding Him when he rose again and came to see her. I can imagine that embrace... I'll feel that embrace too one day, when I see my Lord, Brother, and Savior, in Heaven. On Earth though, I'll take His Heart through my own son today. Children are such precious, precious gifts...

Today, something inside me was resurrected. My little boy gave me a miracle this morning. Won't you do the same for someone else today, no matter what you personally believe.

Here's an Easter hug to everyone I know. I pray you'll know Love this weekend, whatever your Faith may be...

Off to hiking and enjoying some spring sun,
Michelle :)

The Heart of (that) (which) matter (s)

The spacing is off, but hey, it's facebook-much prettier on real paper...


The Heart of (that) (which) matter (s)

As a sunset renders you motionless,
or a field of lavender intoxicates you,
be still,
be quiet,
be present.

Refresh your mind to the sacred plea.
be near.

There is no modesty here.

My love,
this is my gift to you,
perceive my heart,
possess it!

Receive the Longing
for which I created you.

I am the Heart of
(that) (which)
matter (s).

Copyright © 2009 by Rebecca Noelle Burroughs
Inspiration from: The Sacred Romance, by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge

"Life Means So Much"

I've been sick, I mean REALLY sick lately. God seems to like to get my attention and help me to slow down sometimes, and usually, I have lots of time when I am, well, sick. He doesn't cause me to be sick, but when He allows it, somehow I believe I learn things I just wouldn't otherwise...

Antibiotics don't work. Pain killers don't numb the pain. The symptoms and their manifestations are as unpredictable as the days themselves. In it all, I feel a little voice nudging me, a tiny whisper prodding me to make these days count. I read a GREAT book lately with the same theme, The Sacred Echo, and I truly believe had I jumped into the book when I received it (back in February) it wouldn't have been the "right" time to receive its message. Check it out: The Sacred Echo by Margaret Feinberg (Zondervan).

Anyway, how often are you stuck home, in the quiet (because noise hurts my ears and my splitting head), able to just, well, BE?

I'm been, well, BE-ING these past few weeks. I have a sinus infection that doesn't seem to want to leave, great MDs working with me, and God (as my ultimate Physician) to eventually release me from this time. Imagine telling people you have a sinus infection that just won't quit, and that the pain you deal with keeps you unable to sometimes even get up and walk around, or read, or eat (because I"m sick to my stomach often with all this).

A CT scan revealed it is well, "just stuck" up and in there. This is my case. This is why I'm seeing a specialist today. This is why I've sought treatment, drugs, natural therapy, supplements, medical massage, aromatherapy, and some good ol' fashioned laying on of hands and waiting on the Lord. It's all good. God has His time and His way, and I've truthfully never been happier or at peace. I do get a bit cranky (ask my husband), but at least I try my best and leave God with the rest. When someone asks me how I feel I say "crappy but happy." It's not the best, most sophisticated response, but hey, it's my own...

It's been an interesting mix, and I do believe I have the FAITH to be well. It's just a matter of time now, and in this time someone offered me some sage wisdom, "settle down," and "listen."

It's amazing what you will hear when you HAVE to take the time to listen.

The song I'm sharing today is one I've been listening to throughout this time. And today, I learned of someone else, someone who lost her life, tragically and suddenly. Again, it caused me to pause. I met her, one warm night, while visiting another friend, in Atlanta, Georgia. I was there "by chance" at a women's conference. I truly believe NOTHING is "by chance."

I am devastated to think I will never "hang out" with her again; however, I can't imagine how her friends, her family members, and my own, dear friend, E. are all feeling. So, although I may be in pain. I may look foolish for being stuck at home due to dizziness, pain to the point of not being able to focus or some days open my eyes, etc. I HAVE today. Personally, I have today and every single moment in it, whatever those moments may be.

I have a LIFE to embrace today. My husband and friends, should they choose, could even come over and see me, feel me, touch me, and laugh with me. We'll laugh at these days when Michelle was "always sick," when I am well and embracing my life head-on, full-force, the way I like to do things, again. Those days are coming and all of this will be restored. It's true. But, perhaps, just perhaps, I'll slow down a little more, and ake time a little more. Maybe I'll "Relax," as my good friend and Pastor is always telling me to do. Perhaps I'll remember I am loved for "who I AM," as my husband tells me, not "what I DO." That's the way God loves us you know...

Death, especially when it comes suddenly makes everything and everyone come to an abrupt "HALT!" It's sad, but nice that we have these pauses, to reflect on our own lives, and all that we really do have, ALL we REALLY do HAVE...

I have it ALL today, and though I'm grateful for some answers and a treatment plan, as opposed to just obtaining relief when I can, I REALLY DO HAVE EVERYTHING today. Today, I HAVE EVERYTHING!!!

"Life means so much, life means so much." Take time to slow down and appreciate something tiny today, for it could make a HUGE difference-even if only to your prized perspective...

Do you have what you NEED today?

I do. And I'm glad I realize that. No matter HOW I feel...

Here's to perspective!
Here's to life!

God bless Becky Miller.
God bless her family, today!
May I see you again in Heaven and "hang out again" with you!

In the meantime, here's to healing, here's to life, here's to making the little things count.

"Teach us to count the days..."


I leave you with...

"Life Means so Much" by Chris Rice

Everyday is a journal page
Every man holds a quill and ink
And there's plenty of room for writing in
All we do and believe and think
So will you compose a curse
Or will today bring the blessings
Fill the page with rhyming verse
Or some random sketchings

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
Somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

Everyday is a bank account
And time is our currency
So no one's rich, nobody's poor
We get twenty-four hours each
So how are you gonna spend
Will you invest or squander
Try to get ahead
Or help someone who's under

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
Somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

Has anybody lived who knew the value of a life?
And don't you think giving his own
Would prove the worth of yours and mine?

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
Somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much
Life means so much

A Day I'll Never Forget-Good Night Moon for Homework

The other day our son came home with one of those "required reading books" they have for kindergarten students. Kindergarten students! I know! I really don't think I was reading in Kindergarten, but wow, we "grow 'em smart" around here or maybe our kids actually ARE smarter than we were! Lol...

We're thrilled, for our son shares our passion for reading and words in general. He has an AWESOME vocabulary! He sits in his room writing song lyrics-JUST for FUN!

The apple really didn't fall far from the tree in our case, at our house anyway. Our little guy is a reader! I love it! Well, the other day, he stopped my husband and I in our tracks (wow, another cliche-I'm on a roll this morning...and yet another...). Hey, this is a "blog" whatta ya want, eh? Lol...

Well, anywho, when Lil. B. pulled out "Goodnight Moon" it was on, and over, and well, wow...

Our BABY, our six-year-old, all "growin' up," read "Goodnight Moon" to his father! To tell you the truth, I couldn't handle it, and didn't...I would have BALLED! But I did and still do cherish the look on my husband's face when our kiddo pulled that title out of the ol' Star Wars Clone Wars bookbag. Man, oh, man...Too much to bear...

My baby boy read "Goodnight Moon"...to his handsome, sweet, Daddy.

My kid used to EAT this book. Seriously, teeth marks prove it...

Where does the time go? When will we be reading the same title to a new one? (We're trying for another one...).

How did the time between "Moon, Moon, Moon" (L. Berkner and Friends and Raymond's first "song" that he ever sang), "Goodnight Moon" (with Mom and Dad), and a required reading Kindergarten book ever pass THIS QUICKLY!???

Being a parent is a privilege and bitter, bitter, BITTERsweet...

Enjoy your own little songs, your own little guy or gal, and your own "Goodnight Moon" story. We all have one...Why not think about yours and even share it with folks today? We're not all that different from each other ya know...

Embrace these times, for you truly "never get 'em back."

Happy Day! And tonight, "Good Night Moon" to you too!

The Burroughs Bunch,
all "growin' up" and all that good stuff...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm reading another great book. "Reposition Yourself" by T.D. Jakes

It always amazes me that whenever I'm studying something in my life that there's always a theme song to go along with what I'm thinking.

Thanks to my husband, and I believe an old HBO add (of all things, lol...) I've got a lot on my mind to inspire me. "Reposition Yourself" and "Typical" by Mute Math, to me, and in my latest story, go hand-in-hand.

So, my question today, to myself, and to each of us is this: "Why be typical when you were created for the extraordinary?"

I'm sick of "typical" and I want more. So, I'm taking some wise advice. I'm relentless. I'm full of faith. And I have a lot of Fervor (spunk, initiative, get-go, emotion to set into motion). It's time to get off my rear, get in gear, and make it happen. Is it up to me? Well..., yes, AND no. I do my part and God does His. But I'm in Good Hands (and no Allstate about that...).

Here's my theme song for today. I want No MORE "typical."

"Rain down" and "do not shut the Heavens" of favor upon all I dream and all I wish to do is my current prayer. I have perfectly good intentions and I want the best for myself and my family. Who doesn't, right?

If success is a "state of mind" then I'm in a good frame of success today.

Get out there, embrace the present, make the little things count, but don't settle for anything less than you deserve. And you, my friends, deserve the BEST! So, go get it today! Close the complaint trap and open your ears to all you really have. We each have amazing things to receive and be thankful for today, no matter how we're feeling.

Today, I'm thankful I'm up and not as dizzy as I have been. Today, lots of Advil is covering my headache and sinus pain. Today, I get to go to work for a few hours. Today, I get answers from my Doctor at 1 p.m. Today, I have a husband and son and dear, dear friends who love me. Today, I have the bright sunshine and a new garden from Mothers' Day. Today, I have a God who promises an inheritance of blessing! It's a GOOD day! So I will walk, "rejoice," and "be glad in it."

Love, peace, and joy to you today too!

Don't live the "typical;" live the extraordinary today! Whatever it may be, do it with excellence, do it with Faith, do it with Fervor, and do it to fully embrace your day!

I leave you with: I am NO longer "Typical" (It's an attitude not a destination!)

"Typical" Mute Math

Come on, can't I dream for one day
There's nothing that can't be done
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone

Cause I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feeling like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical, the typical

I've lived through my share of misfortune
And I've worked in the blazing sun
But how long should it take somebody
Before they can be someone

Cause I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feeling like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical, the typical, the typical

I'm the typical
I'm the typical
Can I break the spell of the typical

Because it's dragging me down
I'd like to know about when
When does it all turn around

I'm just the typical
I'm just the typical

Yeah I know there's got to be another level
Somewhere closer to the other side
And I'm feeling like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical

The typical, the typical, uh huh
Of the typical

Break the spell (of the typical)
Break the spell (of the typical)
Can I break the spell of the typical, of the typical

I'm just the typical
I'm just the typical
I'm just the typical
I'm just the typical

Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/m/mute_math/typical.html

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lyrics for the Resurrection Season

I've just found a gem, an older one, from Jars of Clay - "Show You Love." I've listened to these guys forever, or it seems like forever...showing my age (and theirs...lol). Take a look at the love, sacrifice, and joy captured in this song. What a gift God gave us in His Son. What a way to show us love...I'm in awe. It's a great reminder this Easter/Resurrection season, and I just HAD to share it with you. Think John 3:16...this song illuminates that Truth in a new way for me. Just when I think I'm speechless to discuss His Love for us, God gives me someone else's words to remember. His Word is best, but He chooses to speak in a million different ways-"all is full of love...it's all around (me)" ("All is Full of Love," Bjork).

I hope He opens your heart to "show you love," today!

Happy Resurrection Season!

"Show You Love"
by: Jars of Clay

Speak - and say the words that no one else will ever say

Love - love like the world we know is over in a day

I'm gonna show you love in every language

I'm gonna speak with words that need no form

I'm gonna give you what you never had before

You're beautiful and I am weakened by the force of your eyes

So shine bright to separate the truth from the lies

I'm gonna show you love

I'm gonna show you love in every language

I'm gonna speak with words that need no form

I'm gonna give you what you never had before

So tie me to a tree and let the smoke and ash collect

No, I won't regret to let love do what love will let

We can drown in mixed emotions or walk across an angry sea

This is the cost of being free

I'm gonna show you love in every language

I'm gonna speak with words that need no form

I'm gonna give you what you never had before

"If the Son has set (me) free, I am free, indeed!"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Let it GO !!!

LET IT GO ! ! !
by T.D. Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this!
When people can walk away from you: let them walk.

I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you.
I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

People leave you because they are not joined to you.
And if they are not joined to you,
you can't make them stay.
Let them go .

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person, it just means that their part in the story is over.
And you've got to know when people's
part in your story is over so that you
don't keep trying to raise the dead.

You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over.
Let me tell you something.
I've got the gift of good-bye.
It's the tenth spiritual gift,
I believe in good-bye.

It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me.
And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it.
Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something
that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to LET IT GO!!!

If you are holding on to past hurts and pains..

If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth...

If someone has angered you.

If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge.

If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction.

If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents.

If you have a bad attitude...

If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better...

If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him...

If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship....

If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves..

If you're feeling depressed and stressed ....

If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to...

Let the past be the past.
Forget the former things.
GOD is doing a new thing for 2009!!!

"The Battle is the Lord's!"